Find & Organize Files
Compile and collect files
The lightbox helps you collect files in order to keep them ready for retrieval at a later point. A lightbox is comparable with a personal bookmark or shopping cart in other systems.
You can manage as many lightboxes of your own as desired.
The term “lightbox” comes from the print and photo industry and is used to pre-select and more closely examine photographs and other image materials. In Manja, the lightbox serves as a separate place for a selection of files. Each lightbox can be titled exactly and serves for the own organization or as an intermediate step for a publication or for the dispatch of these files.
Tip: On our page Features & Add-ons we have compiled an informative overview of all our features. In addition, we offer a more detailed description on the use of lightboxes.
Lightbox (Example)
Back to topLightbox toolbar
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The lightbox toolbar is located to the right and above the result list:
• Open lightbox (Arrow down) – Opens the lightbox view
• Close lightbox (Arrow up) – Close the lightbox view
• Selection (Dropdown menu) – An active lightbox is selected or a new one created
• Open Files in Detail View – All lightbox files are opened in detail view
• Download Files – Opens a dialog to download all lightbox files
• Send Files – Opens a dialog to send all lightbox files
• Publish Files – Opens a dialog to publish all lightbox files
• Export Files – Opens a dialog to export all lightbox files
• Print Files – Opens a dialog to print all lightbox files
• Rename Lightbox – Opens a dialog to rename the lightbox
• Delete Lightbox – Deletes the files stored in the lightbox (they will only be removed from the lightbox, not from the server)
Open Lightbox View
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You can open the lightbox view by clicking on the small button to the left of the lightbox selection.
Here you can see the files that you placed in the lightbox. Along the lower edge of each result you see three buttons – just like in the results list – which lead to the following actions:
- remove from lightbox
- open
- download
You can highlight the files. Clicking the right mouse button once gives you access to the familiar context menu.
Above the file list you can, again, find the same actions as in the toolbar.
open Lightbox Large View
Back to topYou can open the lightbox large view by selecting “Open” at the top of the lightbox.
The large view opens below and shows you all files in the lightbox as you are used to from the results list.
The same actions apply to all files in the large view as in the results list.
You can also remove individual files from the lightbox here (“- remove from lightbox”).
Change sorting
Furthermore, the sorting at the top “A-Z” is available to sort the files in the large view according to certain criteria (e.g.: ID descending or ascending, upload date descending or ascending, etc.).
Drag & Drop of files
Back to topThe mini toolbar with all available actions appears automatically after clicking on a file in the lightbox or after selecting one or more files.
Clicking and pulling the drag point at the top left activates the drag-and-drop functionality.
This way you can also move files within the lightbox to rearrange them.
Copy files to new/different lightbox
Back to topA file selection from an existing lightbox can be added to another lightbox or to a new lightbox. First, you select the relevant files within a lightbox and then click on them to display the mini toolbar. There you select the item “Other”.
After that a pop-up appears with the two options to copy this file selection:
- into an existing lightbox
- into a new lightbox, which is created with the corresponding naming