5. November 2021
Version 4.37
New e-mail notification system, new "Voting procedure" function, new "Create metadata field" function
New email notification system including new design
Back to top- From now on, the e-mail notifications use a new design (template) as well as flexibly customizable texts
For administrators:
- All notifications (texts, layout, languages) can be customized (Administration > Notifications)
- The design and basic layout of the e-mail template can now also be customized (Administration > Templates)
- Under “Templates” in the administration area the template “mail_footer” can be edited. The html field contains the default specification for the email footer and can be customized.
- For the notifications, a test send is also available to test customizations and check them in the email client.
- Also available is a comparison function for customizations to notification templates. This makes it easy to see which customizations have been made.
A detailed description of how to customize the new notifications will be available soon in our documentation.
New function: Webviewer with extended zoom function
Back to topThe webviewer view (in the detail view of a e.g. PDF file) has been extended by another function.
- New function: Activate a more extensive zoom area when zoom button (magnifying glass with plus icon) is pressed for longer than 2 seconds.

Webviewer with extended zoom function
New Function: File Sending > Set Time Extension of an Account
Back to topIf a selection of files or a lightbox is sent, a new function for the expiration time is available for temporary recipients.
- For recipients with a user account expiration date, the expiration time is displayed in the dispatch dialog and can be extended at the same time.

Set expiration time of an account
New function: Add metadata fields
Back to topFor the individualization of metadata or information on a file, we have created the possibility to create new metadata fields as an administrator.
- Under “Metadata” in the administration area, new metadata fields can be created and removed.
- Furthermore, own metadata groups can be created as well as removed.
A detailed description of how to create a new metadata field will be available soon in our documentation.
New metadata field "Person(s) in image" added
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- In the “General” category of the metadata fields of a file, there is now the read IPTC field “Person(s) in image”.
- If the IPTC field “Person in image” is filled in for a photo, this is now also imported and displayed in Manja.
Back to top- Backup script revised
- Security and performance optimizations
Back to top- An error occurred when assigning roles for user groups. This has been fixed.
- Improvements to the notification function and the corresponding templates.
- An error message occurred when assigning rights at the user group level. Group assignment now works properly again.
- Prioritization during metadata import corrected.