
Find & Organize Files

Actions and views for founded files

The display on the right side of the window shows the result list of the last search or the contents of the selected category. The following sections describe various actions, views, and possibilities for handling the result lists:

What options do I have when I have searched and filtered for files? The options in the results list are described and explained in this post.

Tip: On our page Features & Add-ons we have compiled an informative overview of all our features. Additionally, we offer a general description about multifunctional search and how files are organized and managed in Manja.


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Below each preview image in the result list are three symbols. Clicking one of the symbols creates the following action for the individual file:

●   Add tio collection – the file is added to a collection
●   Open – the file is opened in detail view
●   Download – a download dialog is opened for this file

Double clicking on the preview image opens the detail view as well.

Icons & status flags

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In the results view, various icons can be displayed on the asset. These icons illustrate special statuses or provide references to stored information.

This includes, for example, comments that have been made on an asset (belongs to the Collaboration & Annotations add-on). Or expiration dates that have been set for the asset – such as the start date in the future or a past expiration date.

Or also, if e.g. the Release Projects add-on is installed, specific information about the status of the asset within a Release Project.

Icons and status flags
Icons & status flags

The following icons or flags can appear on an asset:

(1) Release projects (active and archived),

(2) File contains comments/annotations,

(3) Expiration dates (start in the future and expiration date expired).


(4) Own flags & status icons

More freedom for own flags & status icons (4)

  • for own flags & status icons there are possibilities to realize them by configuration & CSS,
  • especially styles (e.g. colors) can be selected based on the content of metadata fields.

Multiple file selection

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Multiple selection of files is possible via three variants: marking with mouse, with keyboard and a combination of mouse and keyboard.
Multiple Choice of files

If you do not want to work with individual files only, there are three ways to select several search results and to apply the respective action to the files of the entire selection.


Variant with mouse:

Left click on any place in the result list, keeping the mouse button pressed, and move the mouse pointer over the desired files. This will open up a frame and all files within the frame are selected.


Variant with keyboard:

Click on a file. Once it is highlighted, use the shift key on the keyboard and then highlight the next file. All the results between the first and last file selected are now highlighted and can be further edited.


Variant with mouse and keyboard:

To individually add or remove a file from the selection, click the file while holding down the Control key (Ctrl) on the keyboard.


This way you can highlight files individually or as desired, even if they are not shown immediately adjacent.

Using Toolbar

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The toolbar contains various functions: Upload Files, Open/Edit , Add to Light Box, Download, Send, Publish, Export, Print and Delete.

Toolbar with the various functions

At the bottom of the window you will find a toolbar, which can initiate the following actions for the selected files:

  • Open/edit – highlighted files are opened in detail view
  • Lightbox – highlighted files are added to the lightbox
  • Download – opens the dialog to download the highlighted files
  • Send – opens the dialog to send the highlighted files
  • Publish – opens the dialog to publish the highlighted files
  • Export – opens the dialog to export the highlighted files
  • Print – opens the dialog to print the highlighted files
  • Delete – highlighted files are deleted (if authorized to do so)

If you are sufficiently authorized, the action “upload files” appears as well, opening the dialog to upload new files.

Using Mini Toolbar and Drag & Drop

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Mini Toolbar
Mini Toolbar

Mini Toolbar

By single clicking a file or after selecting one or more files, a mini toolbar appears automatically, containing all the actions available:

•   + Add to lightbox

•   – Remove from lightbox

•   Other…Copy files to new/different lightbox

•   Open

•   Download

•   Send

•   Compare – if exactly one or two files are selected

•   Publish

•   Export

•   Print

•   Delete – if authorized

•   Edit permissions – administrators only

•   Provide new preview – administrators only

•   Re-import file/s – administrators only


Drag & Drop function

By clicking and pulling the drag point at the top left, you activate the drag & drop functionality. The drop targets available (lightbox and categories) are highlighted in red.

With the drag & drop functionality you can also resort files within the lightbox.

Drag & Drop

Utilize Context Menu

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The context menu is displayed by simply clicking on a file or selection. The action options include, for example: Open/Edit, Open All, Add to Light Box, Download, Send, Compare, Publish, Export, Print, and Delete.
Context menu in the media overview with all action options

Next to the tool bar there is a quick access function to all actions.

Right click on highlighted results. A context menu opens up, showing the available actions. The actions refer to all selected files.

Switch Views

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You can display the results in three different views. There are three options to do so in the display menu:


The tabular view

It shows the preview image, file number and (depending on user configuration) single-line metadata per result.
This option is ideal for viewing many preview images at once.

Display type: Table view

The Compact view

It shows only the preview images, without additional information.
This option is ideal for getting a quick overview of all files.

Display type: Compact view

The List view

The List View results are shown one below the other, each with preview image and various user-configured metadata (such as title, description, utilization rights, formats, etc.)
This option is ideal for immediately accessing the associated file information besides the preview.

Display type: List view

Show File Preview

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The file preview enables a quick preview of files, including their metadata.

In order to open it, you click on the marked space on the right edge of the screen.

You can adapt the width and height of the preview as required. Clicking again on the marked space closes the file preview.

You can also navigate within the results list by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Open file preview

Asset preview (right column)

Change Sorting

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You can sort your search results according to certain criteria. Click on the “sort” symbol in the menu. A selection menu opens up, where you can adjust your individual settings. The sorting sequence applies to the current and to all the following search queries.

Sorting options of files in the media overview page

Size of the Preview Images

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In order to change the size of the preview images, pull the slider in the respective direction: to the left = smaller, to the right = larger. You can also click on the symbols to the left and right side of the slider. The result list is adjusted accordingly and the preview images are loaded in the selected size.

Set size of thumbnails/preview images of files via slider