Edit Notification Templates
Notification templates define the content for the email notifications generated in Manja and sent to recipients.
The notifications in Manja consist of the general templates “Base template” and “Footer” on the one hand, and the individual notification templates on the other hand. Administrators can edit these three template types.
Make adjustments to notifications
Back to topWith the Manja update, it is now possible to edit not only the individual notifications, but also the email template itself and also the email footer.
The templates for the templates and notifications are structured in such a way that they offer, for example, the texts in two languages ({l:de}
and {l:en}
) and, depending on the user language setting, use them accordingly in the e-mail.
Likewise, the templates rely on system variables (e.g. {msg:recipient[short-display-name]}
for the output of the user name), which are filled with appropriate content.
Basic Email Template
Back to topFor the email template there is a html base template which defines the basic structure of the email.
The base template (“mail“) is located under Administration > Templates > Base Templates.
The base template should be customized with care.

The following customizations are possible in the base template, among others:
- Replace logo path to output a different logo in the email header.
- Color for header line
- Color for footer background and footer text color
- Color for text and text links
Email footer
Back to topThere is a separate template for the email footer, which is output under the content of each notification.
The e-mail footer (mail_footer) is located under Administration > Templates > Fragment templates.
The content of the e-mail footer should represent the contact option for general support (internal or external).
Individual e-mail notifications
Back to topFor each notification sent by the system, there is a single notification template.
The notifications are located under Administration > Messages.
Each notification is created in two languages and uses system variables for unique output of information, labels and salutations.
Add-on projects: Fragment templates
Back to topFor the Add-on Projects there are also not only custom notifications, but also corresponding fragment templates.
The fragment templates are located under Administration > Templates > Fragment templates.
The fragment templates define special functions and outputs for the e-mail notifications from this add-on. These fragment templates should be customized with care.
Useful functions and information
Back to topA preview is available for the notifications.
This cumulates a preview of the selected notification from your own login or mockup data. Mockup data replaces variables that are not available for the preview with placeholder data.
Likewise, the preview can be used to send a test email with the selected notification.